Saturday, November 1, 2008

Luca at 4 Months

Luca has grown so much and has nearly doubled in weight since he was born four months ago. Today he weighed in at 16 lbs 14 oz and measured 26 1/2 inches tall. With those stats, it's no wonder that he's starting to feel less like a tiny baby and more like little boy.

He's also blossoming developmentally, with the big news of the week being that he is rolling over. Notably, he is rolling from his back to his stomach and getting both hands free to do a push-up-and-look-around move. According to Omi, the internet, and the doctor, this is the harder way to roll and puts Luca into the "advanced" category. This video is from a step or two ago in his rolling evolution, but you'll get the idea.

1 comment:

Riona Skuce said...

I can't believe that Luca is rolling over. That is seriously advanced!! Watch out, he will be crawling in no time at all.