Friday, October 31, 2008

He's a little bit country...

Happy Halloween! Luca is enjoying his first holiday, black cats and cowboy hats and all.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

NBA: New Baby Association

On Thursday night Luca got to go to his first NBA game. Too bad it was the Wolves instead of the Mavs, but the smidge still K-loved it.

The other event of the weekend was a two-fold celebration of Erica's birthday, with pedicures & beer in the afternoon and cake & kids & more beer at Casa Marsden in the evening.

One of our co-celebrators asked the million dollar question: who does the baby look like? We're sure that he's cuter than either of us were, though T suspects that's the advantage of digital photography and that he was in fact the cutest baby ever.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Tricks

This weekend Luca met his Aunt Alecia and Uncle Mark for the first time while they were visiting from New York City. If we had remembered our camera, you would look below to see adorable pictures of Luca making googlie eyes at them. Since we were remiss and have no photographic evidence, we are instead offering these pictures of Luca performing his newest tricks: sitting up (with assistance) and turning regular toys into chew toys.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ben's Birthday

This weekend we celebrated the one and only Benjamin Casey's first birthday. Luca had a ball with his Minneapolis cousins, and Ben had the time of his life with the chocolate cake. In both of our families there are far more girls than boys, so it's no surprise that these two little chaps are treated like princes.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Luca at 3 months

The bambino just rounded the 3-month corner! He's up to some new tricks and logged a lot of firsts this week, which we spent out in California. He took his first plane ride, visited the ocean, attended a wedding, went to his first concert in the park, met his Grandpa David, and was introduced to some great friends. You'd think he'd be worn out, and it seems like he might be because he's starting to make a habit out of sleeping in excess of 9 uninterrupted hours per night. We know, we's not going to last. But it's not stopping us from enjoying the sleep.

In addition to his new sleeping skills, Luca is adding some other talents to his resume. He is developing his neck strength and is close to sitting up. For now, we interpret his sticking his head out as a desire to sit up, so we help him the rest of the way. His hand movements are getting more and more coordinated, and he loves to jam his whole hand in his mouth and talk around it. And he's been kicking his legs up and doing his best to roll over.

We'll have to wait several more months to know what color Luca's eyes will end up being. They seem to change almost daily - sometimes we're sure they're turning brown, but the next moment they'll look blue or even a little green. His hair is pulling a chameleon act as well, going from brown to golden and making a stop at reddish along the way.

Luca shows off his serious side with a major scowl, but the best development of late is how much he is smiling. He's even come close to laughing a couple of times. He can be a flirt and smiles like crazy for ladies, though he also pulls the cutest shy act by smiling and then rubbing his face into your shoulder.

It might sound ridiculous, but we are so proud of him. He's such a good baby and he makes life even more fun for us than it was before. We often forget that he's a baby because he feels like such a natural addition, like an mini partner-in-crime for T & me.