Sunday, March 23, 2008

Week 25

Happy Easter! Last week enough snow had melted that we could see the petrified grass beneath. This week and the first day of Spring brought snow, and by Easter we were back in it up to our ankles. The white stuff didn't stop everyone from enjoying a family brunch and belated celebration of T's birthday. Best present award goes to diaper/face mask/rubber glove ensemble from the Johnson 5.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 24

My wife is taking the week off of her blogging duties due to travel. So, a guest spot is in order...

Spring Break 2008!! We traded in our snowy back yard for a few slow days in Newport Beach. We enjoyed being back in California, grilling outside, eating tons of Mexican food, and playing some basketball.

At the beach, A had a revelation to dig a crater in the sand to accommodate her growing belly, and was thus able to lie on her stomach for the first time in months!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 23

Week 22

In other news, T made a new friend this week - Warren Buffett.

Week 21

The 21st week found A & Edye in Ireland, visiting Ri, Gav, and James. By an amazing coincidence, Ri is also expecting and is also due in early July. This trip was many years in the making and we enjoyed every moment, except for having to say goodbye at the end.

We remembered to take the Week 21 picture. This was snapped in the front yard of Ri, Gav & James' home in Dublin.

Week 20 & 1st Ultrasound

The first ever picture of #3:

Week 19

Week 18

Oops...missed a week.

Week 17

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that a full-term pregnancy runs 9 months - or 36 weeks by our math - the truth is that the doctors these days call it an even 40 weeks. We started our weekly photos a little short of halfway, at 17 weeks.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Our first post

I'm writing this perched atop a blue balance ball instead of a chair - not for exercise, but because the chair I was sitting on just crumbled beneath me. My pregnancy girth might not be entirely to blame, but it could have had a little something to do with turning our desk chair into firewood.

My expansion is what got us thinking about starting a blog. Inspired by friends in other cities who have started online journals about their growing families, we decided to start our own as a way to record the experience for #3 and to give friends and family a window into what's going on with us as July approaches.

July, summer, and a new baby seem far away from the subzero temps we've been braving for the past months as I've bared the belly for weekly progress photos out in the backyard. But in reality, there are less than four months between us and the arrival of #3. We hope you enjoy counting down along with us.

- A