Saturday, April 26, 2008

Week 30

Shortly after taking this picture, A and #3 left for the airport on their way to San Jose, California. Family and 80 degree weather await their arrival, and as you might notice in the picture below Minneapolis has once again turned cold. That's not instant potato in our yard...

I checked the casinos in Vegas and the current odds are 4:1 that A and #3 will get on their return flight on Monday morning. I'm not sure I'd take the bet. Last night at dinner, A proposed the following two girl names for #3: Cali and Fornia. I think she might have been serious.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week 29

The grass isn't the only thing growing around here. Looking at this week's picture, it's evident that a Spring growth spurt is underway.

Last night we got parenting advice from an unexpected source when we went to see Chuck D speak at the Fitzgerald. He admonished parents to accept that they're old and "corny." Once they do that, they can move on to the real job which is drilling the right messages into their kids' heads. Our feeling is that if Chuck D is corny, we're ok with falling into that category, too.

(In addition to Chuck D's wit & wisdom, we were treated to performances by Slug and Brother Ali.)