Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Steps

Though this looks like a photo of Luca merely leaning on an empty plastic bucket, what you are actually looking at is a picture of Luca walking with a little assistance from an empty plastic bucket. Thinking back on his memories of Aunt Nic learning to walk with some help from an upturned laundry basket, T emptied the Lego Quatro bin (thanks, Cousin Nathan!!) and VOILA! Luca was off and inching his way across the carpet. Time for the next round of baby-proofing!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Never Evers

Yesterday's unseasonably cool temps didn't hold us back from heading to the Mill City Farmers Market for organic snap peas and a performance by the Never Evers - aka T, Charlie, and Jesse. The fellas did a bang up job of entertaining us all, and were also conveniently on hand with mics when the news came in that Baby Hegstrom arrived on Saturday morning. Congratulations to Marjorie & Erik!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Belated: Luca at 1 year old

We've been allowing blog entries to slip to the bottom of the to-do list lately, mostly because of our little master of ceremonies' increased mobility. Long story short, he's got us on the run and so we're just getting around to our final 1st birthday post...

Dear Luca,

You are one year old! All in the same moment, it feels like you've always been with us and like you just arrived yesterday. This first year of your life has flown by like no other we've known.

When we first brought you home, we didn't know much about you. Let's face it, we didn't know much about babies and probably still don't. But we've relished getting to know you over these first months of your life, and think of you less as a baby and more as a critical member of the team.

Everywhere you go, you leave a wake of happy women behind. From your stroller-throne, you point at them and wave, flashing a toothy smile. In the airport, on the street, at the grocery store, you always find a new friend. Lately you've developed a tendency toward silliness and have added to your repertoire a new head-grabbing routine that you find hilarious. You save your sloppy, openmouth kisses for mom and dad.

At times you muster a lot of intensity. When you are working on something new, or trying your hardest to get the balloon/toy/door/etc., you do a kind of huffy, lamaze breathing, furrow your brow, and charge on all fours towards the object of your interest. And let no one get between you and your food. You are admired for your appetite and the variety of foods you like, which your picky-eater-parents hope you keep up.

As is to be expected, we often find ourselves in discussions about who you look like. Though you almost certainly have your Papa's nose, an Allen jaw and Henderson eyes, you have a spirit and personality that is brand new and all your own.

Luca Thomas, 1 year old

Monday, July 6, 2009

Birthday shots

For Luca's 1st birthday, we decided to hire a professional photographer to capture how sweet his is right now. Though we felt a little silly about it since we've accumulated hundreds of pictures of him since he was born, once Amy the photographer arrived and got started, we knew we'd made a good decision. Luca was taken with her immediately and let his little light shine bright, as is evident in the sneak peek photos on Amy's blog.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Luca Turns 1!

Our little ham sandwich has turned one. We can't believe it.
We spent birthday eve at Papa & Gigi's with the Johnsons and Marsdens. Luca enjoyed delicious cheese pizza, as well as his first taste of birthday cake.
Today we revisited cake to make sure he really likes it, and he does.
Thanks everyone for your thoughtful birthday wishes!
Happy birthday, Luca sweetie!