Monday, April 13, 2009

What day is it? What's that in my hair?

This weekend, in the middle of an otherwise lovely visit from Omi, we were treated to a new experience: the rite-of-passage ER trip. It went something like this:

Friday p.m.: Luca suddenly turns into Lobster Red Luca. We pretend nothing is happening, and go to Chiang Mai Thai for dinner.

Later Friday p.m.: We realize our parental error when we get home and find that Luca's temperature is setting personal worst records. A terror-stricken call is placed to the on-call nurse line and out come the infant Tylenol drops.

Saturday a.m.: On the advice of the on-call nurse, we get an appointment with the pediatrician. She diagnoses Luca with a virus and an ear infection and prescribes antibiotics. He's fixed!

Saturday p.m.: He is not fixed. He's a lobster again. Even his eyeballs have turned lobster. We take his temperature and are terrified to find that it is over 105. Another discussion with the on-call nurse verifies that we need to head to the ER without delay. So that's what we did.

As you can see in the pictures, once the triage nurse gave our brave little smidge a dose of the aptly-named Motrin Elixir, he started to snap back to his usual self. We weren't quite out of the woods yet, but today he appears to be at about 75% and getting better all the time. Unfortunately, because of all the hullaballoo, we have very little photographic evidence that Omi was here to help us through it all, so you'll just have to take our word for it.

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