Thursday, February 2, 2012

Julian at 9 Months

Once again, we're a bit overdue for a JR post and are rushing to get the 9-month recap up before our little cherub rounds the 10-month corner.  My maternal guilt at this lag prompts the following:

Dear Future Julian:

Please do not take any delay in blog posts, deficit of photos and videos, etc. as an indication of lack of love or interest on the part of your parents.  We adore you and your sweet face and hysterical personality.  And we're very, very busy keeping your brother from loving you into the next county.

Love, Mommy 

Julian at 9 Months

We have another bruiser in the house!  Julian has made up for his lower birth weight and now tips the scales at 21 lb 8 oz, putting him in the 75-90% range.  Heightwise, he's middle of the road at 28 1/4 inches (50%). But the head...oh yes, the head is an Allen head.  At the doctor's office, the nurse returned for a 2nd measurement after charting the first one and finding that it was potentially alarming.  She settled on a 19" head circumference, putting him above the 98th percentile.  

Julian's bucket of tricks is suddenly quite impressive.  He's gone from occasionally pulling himself up from sitting (which is advanced, according to his doctor) to getting up and down with ease and cruising around any infant height furniture in his purview.  Admittedly, he has the distinct advantage of some show-stoppingly strong thighs.  Still, his dedication is admirable.

He's also added crawling to his repertoire, which has added a little something to our days as we frenetically run around the house trying to clear the floor of all the dangerous detritus that accumulates there - magnetic marbles, petrified bran muffin chunks, paper clips.  He's got great crawling style and clearly loves being able to cover more ground.

Recently Julian has also started waving and doing the "so big" thing, both of which delight him to no end.  He hasn't figured out how to clap his own two hands together, but thinks that clapping one of his hands to one of yours is a neat way to pass a minute here and there.  We're waiting for him to figure out that sleeping through the night is just as fun, but in his defense he falls asleep like a peach and we're confident he'll get there eventually.  In the meantime, his sweet face is more than ample payment for the occasional sleepless nights.

1 comment:

gPod Mommy said...

Ahhhh, what a cutie you are Julian. Dear Future Julian- your Tia Rosie in Cali LOVES how cute you are with those big kissable cheeks!