Thursday, August 11, 2011

Julian at 4 months

This face just about says it all.  At four months old, Julian is a very cheerful baby.  He's gurgly and giggly and would do just about anything to spend time with people, particularly his fortunate family members.  Anyone who's had a chance to hold him has noted that he's also quite a calm and peaceful boy.

Though he started out a pound smaller than his big brother, he's been quickly gaining ground in the stats.  At his four month appointment, he weighed in at 16 lbs 7 oz (75th percentile).  For height he was 26.25 inches (90th percentile) and his head circumference was 17.25 inches (95th percentile).

That last number would indicate that he has a healthy dose of Allen genes, and his overall appearance bears that out.  For now, his eyes are still blue - and the new hair coming in looks blond.  Both boys are crazy handsome right now and so endearing (when they're not causing a ruckus, and sometimes even when they are), it's hard to believe.  Tonight they had their first occasion of actively playing with each other when Luca invited Julian into his construction truck pop up tent, and the scene was so sweet that I didn't even mind when I was explicitly disinvited.  (An exception was made for my arms, which were needed to prop Julian up inside the boy zone.)  

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