Monday, July 11, 2011

Turning 3...and fireworks!

The 4th of July weekend has become a particularly festive one in our family, with Luca's birthday adding excitement to the holiday weekend.  This year we kicked off his birthday celebration on July 1st with an attempted gathering of T's family.  Unfortunately, we have no pictures because a) we forgot our camera (but remembered the cupcakes) and b) the party was cut short by one of the most dramatic and frightening storms that has ever caught us outside.  Right as Luca began to open his presents, straightline winds picked up and had us all scurrying for cover.  Everyone made it home safely and all of Luca's new, wonderful toys made it, too, but since then he has been asking a lot of questions about what can and can not be blown away by the wind...

The weather cleared for his real day, when we gathered some of his friends and their families at Kenwood Park for a sweet, Cars-themed party.  Luca was adamant about having a Lightning McQueen birthday cake and was not disappointed with the results - he ate two slices in short order.

A couple of barbecues and a block party later, we reconvened with T's family for a 4th of July celebration. Luca had a ball playing tag with his Johnson cousins and absolutely loved his first ever fireworks.  Julian had a pretty good time, too.

Asleep on Dad's shoulder

Ready to run!

Big 3-year-olds like strawberry/rhubarb ice cream

4th of July fun with the cousins

Happy boy in the block party bouncy house

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