Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Luca at 11 months

Today Luca is 11 months old. At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, I feel the need to point out that 11 months is very close to 12 months, which equals ONE YEAR! Not. Possible.

Well, it turns out that it's totally possible. Every day our "little baby" is a lot less like a baby and a lot more like a 1-year-old. Here are some of his new big boy skills:

1. He has figured out how to go from lying down to sitting up. In a case of unfortunate timing, he discovered this skill in the middle of the night, and alerted us to his alarming state of affairs by yelling really loudly until T went to investigate. Turns out, he can sit up but finds lying back down more challenging.

2. He is one with airplanes. Living in SW Minneapolis comes with a lot of benefits, one of which (if you're a baby who loves airplanes) is that we're in the flight pattern. All those planes flying overhead have captivated Luca's attention, and now whenever one passes overhead - whether he's in his highchair, in the car, or in the yard - he reaches his hand to the sky and looks at us as if we just invented the most spectacular treat imaginable.

Luca continues to be very sociable, particularly when other children are around. With few exceptions, strangers always comment on one feature: his huge eyes. T & I don't know where the giganto-peepers snuck into the gene mix, but wherever they came from it is sure that, for now, his eyes are Luca's most remarked upon feature.

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