Sunday, October 26, 2008

NBA: New Baby Association

On Thursday night Luca got to go to his first NBA game. Too bad it was the Wolves instead of the Mavs, but the smidge still K-loved it.

The other event of the weekend was a two-fold celebration of Erica's birthday, with pedicures & beer in the afternoon and cake & kids & more beer at Casa Marsden in the evening.

One of our co-celebrators asked the million dollar question: who does the baby look like? We're sure that he's cuter than either of us were, though T suspects that's the advantage of digital photography and that he was in fact the cutest baby ever.


Anonymous said...

well, now that makes it easier to half of L's face - Alexis, bottom half - Tom!

Riona Skuce said...

He totally has Alexis' eyes and definitely Tom's nose, unsure about mouth.