Monday, August 18, 2008

Raise Your Hand if You're Californian

When we lived in San Francisco I was one of the city's most elusive type of residents: a native Californian. And though I didn't live in the City until my mid-20s, my mom made sure that the "born in _________" line reads "San Francisco" on all four of her children's birth certificates. So it's been a little heartbreaking for me that Luca's birth record not only won't say San Francisco, but won't have anything Californian about it.

Even so, and even if we lived in Oregon or Montana, I consider the little guy to be half Californian and half Minnesotan, just like he's a little bit Irish and a whole lot Italian. T & I both have a lot of home state pride, so wherever we go we won't let Luca forget his dual Pacific and Midwest citizenship. Thanks to Luca's Auntie BFF, he has a wardrobe of MN- and CA-themed onesies to back this up.

This week Luca had his first exposure to his California roots during an unbeatable visit from his CA cousins, auntie & uncle. We visited the MOA, played at the lake, had an in-car picnic during a huge thunderstorm, and generally enjoyed time together in the Minnesota summer. We're so thankful that they came all the way here to meet the little guy. The only thing that made their heading back home bearable is knowing that we'll see them in California this Fall.

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