Thursday, June 10, 2010

Luca has decided to move in with Papa & Gigi

And we can't blame him. Luca spent two full days with his Minneapolis cousins over at P&G's in the last week or so, and they sent him home with these great pictures.


Casey said...

I can't believe what a full on KID Luca is in that tree. You said it, September can't come soon enough. Did you know there is an alien scaling the wall in that last photo? You might want to look into that. Oh, and the computer-printed/color-coded signs on the moving boxes... you are beautiful. I LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU and miss you HEAPS. Like HEAPS. xx

RunnerGirlJRo said...

Look at how big he is getting! So glad we happened to run into each other this week! YES, we need to get together and might as well do both places once you're settled!

b.p. said...

Love the naked bike race. Very SF. Two years old already! Not a baby anymore by any stretch. Hurts, don't it?