Thursday, June 10, 2010

Luca has decided to move in with Papa & Gigi

And we can't blame him. Luca spent two full days with his Minneapolis cousins over at P&G's in the last week or so, and they sent him home with these great pictures.

Friday, June 4, 2010

we like to move it move it

The last supper at 1222

We've been on blog hiatus for the last couple of months. We didn't mean to disappear, but found ourselves suddenly consumed with the business of packing and moving. Miraculously, we sold our little bungalow and, even more miraculously, found a new house that we both love.

The move was hair-raising, but we survived thanks to dear friends and hired movers, and though we will always hold the 1222 dear in our nostalgic hearts, we are embarrassingly happy with our new house and new neighborhood. We have more room for just about everything, including guests, so come on over. The new neighborhood ambassador will probably be out front to welcome you.

Luca and T showing off the "sold" sign