Saturday, September 19, 2009

Il bambino non cammina.

Not one to rush things, Luca has been taking his sweet time with the crawling-to-walking transition. Or maybe he didn't have enough room to roam in our Minneapolis house, because he's been stretching his legs a bit more here in Deer Valley, particularly when he has an audience and a table to push around.

We'll miss his deliberate strut-crawl, but are looking forward to seeing whatever interesting walking style he has up his sleeve.

In between walking tutorials, T & and I are undertaking an education of our own, learning Italian via Rosetta Stone. So far we can say "Il bambino non cammina" and "La donna guida la macchina bianca."



The Johnson 5 said...

Love seeing Luca move and hearing the Avett Brothers in the background! We miss you!

THR said...

i meant to ask you about the new album (assuming you bought it as soon as it dropped)...and to tell you that i've been playing a couple of their songs on guitar on repeat. so good.