This Halloween was the best I can ever remember. Luca and I spent the whole month of October slowly decorating the inside and outside of our house, and developing a keen taste for treats. Once the big day arrived, T was able to take the day off from work, so was able to head up pumpkin carving efforts and trick or treating. To his chagrin, I accidentally taught Luca to say "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat," which some neighbors found funny and others, maybe not so much. Julian was a reluctant but adorable dragon (though 99% of people who see him say he was a dinosaur - apparently he didn't look very ferocious) and Luca was THE fastest Batman in town.
Last Fall days at the park
Taking a break from pumpkin carving
Big sweet face, little dragon costume
Ready to trick or treat
Batman, preparing the jack o'lanterns
Onset of chocolate crash
Into the leaf pile he goes...