Monday, November 21, 2011


This Halloween was the best I can ever remember.  Luca and I spent the whole month of October slowly decorating the inside and outside of our house, and developing a keen taste for treats.  Once the big day arrived, T was able to take the day off from work, so was able to head up pumpkin carving efforts and trick or treating.  To his chagrin, I accidentally taught Luca to say "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat," which some neighbors found funny and others, maybe not so much.  Julian was a reluctant but adorable dragon (though 99% of people who see him say he was a dinosaur - apparently he didn't look very ferocious) and Luca was THE fastest Batman in town. 

Last Fall days at the park

Taking a break from pumpkin carving 

Big sweet face, little dragon costume


Ready to trick or treat

Batman, preparing the jack o'lanterns

Onset of chocolate crash

Into the leaf pile he goes...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Julian at 6 Months

Julian, 6 months old??  Well, actually, he's now 7 months old, but we're a little late to the party, mostly because time is flying by so fast.  And because that face is so sweet, it's hard to tear ourselves away to do anything else but jump through hoops to make him smile.

At his 6 month appointment, our little one weighed in at 19 1/4 lbs and was 27 1/4 inches long, both measurements falling in the 75th percentile.  He seems to have taken a page from the book of Allen when it comes to head size, though - he's in the 98th percentile with an 18 inch melon.  

Most notably, JR has the sweetest, meltiest smile.  And he has six crazy teeth that he has just started grinding together, much to our dismay.  He's starting to pick up foods with his little fingers but refuses a bottle and is mostly only interested in milk as nourishment.  He still loves his big brother, despite said big brother's open mouth "kisses" (licks) and insistence upon controlling every toy in the house (more on that later).   And he's working on his baby skills, like smiling, rolling, smiling, sleeping, and smiling.  

First Day of School, Ever.

This is one of those milestones that seemed to arrive both way too fast, yet also right on time - the first day of preschool.  Luca started at a wonderful neighborhood school this fall and has taken to the new routine (mostly) with ease.  He does occasionally tell us that his teacher, Heidi, is a pirate, and we're not exactly sure what that means, but we think that he's having fun and learning to socialize.  And that's what matters.

Schoolboy, ready for action

Somebody in this picture might be carrying a clipboard.