Saturday, February 20, 2010

February is brief.

February photo collection: Kid, Kids, Ball Kid, Walking Kid, et al.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

So long, January. January was so long.

Well, January came and went with barely a peep out of us. Maybe we had our heads in the snow for most of the month. January is notorious around here for bringing the worst of winter in the form of post-holiday blues and frigid temps, and everyone does a little dance when February 1st rolls around.

Probably the real reason for our radio silence is that T started back to work. That's right, after two years in school and seven months as daddy supreme, Mr. R is once again picking up a paycheck. Three weeks in we're still getting used to our new lifestyle. Although it's not without some significant concessions (and daily "daddeeeee" searches conducted by Luca), so far we're all feeling better than expected about this stage, and T is certainly glad to put his business school knowledge to work. Of course, we could all revolt at any moment and beg for a return to our carefree road-trip days...

Where's Dad going?

Better try on Dad's shoes.